Friday, March 15, 2013


by Cindy, 6th grade student

My name is Cindy. I am currently 12 years old and I attend Tech International Charter School. I am a girl who enjoys being with others and absolutely adores music. In this essay, I am going to tell you about the D in TI PRIDE, which stands for dedication.
Dedication has made me a stronger person. It has made me who I am today. If I wasn't 
dedicated to my work, I wouldn't be doing very well in school. I believe that being dedicated is very difficult to do. Nobody is perfect in this world. Because humans are not perfect, we can get off track and not put in as much effort as we want into doing something. I believe that being dedicated is equal to being focused. You don't only need dedication, you also need patience because it takes time to improve.

Don't you think that dedication is similar to being motivated? If dedication isn't put into 
our activities, it will show because we are not motivated to do so. Without dedication, the work that we do won't turn out as well. For example, say you are doing a piece of writing, without dedication and being motivated by something, your piece of writing won't make sense, it will be sloppy, and not very entertaining to read. Things are dull without dedication and motivation.

During ELA class, I had an assignment to write a literary essay. At first I wasn't all that 
motivated to write so I wasn't really dedicated towards my work. After a while, a bunch of ideas popped into my head. I began to write as much as I could. I put in dedication, I was motivated to write, and I had complete focus towards my literary essay. I handed in my work and after quite some time, I got my work back. When I looked at my paper, I had a really good score.

When I was younger, I thought about dedication in a different way. I thought being 
dedicated meant being 100% correct. As I grew up and matured, I realized that i was wrong. 

During my lifetime, I did many things with much dedication put into it. As a result, I have either gotten a really good grade or I have been very pleased. The grades I got back wasn't perfect. They were missing some points, but still very close to being 100%. The joy I received wasn't like the thrill of winning the lottery, but I was still happy and enthusiastic. Still, I felt really good because of how dedicated I was to doing something. After many years, I realized that being dedicated means feeling like I really deserved something. Even though I didn't get the exact result  I wanted, I still felt great because I worked very hard. Maybe I even got the results I wanted because I was dedicated. 

In my everyday life, I used dedication at least once a day. From school work to friends, 
cleaning, or sleeping; as long as you are dedicated, motivated, and focused with something at least once a day, you'll feel great later on. At some point in your life, you will want to dedicate yourself to something or many things very, very much because of that great feeling. Dedication doesn't only help you, it helps others as well.

I was very dedicated, motivated, and focused on writing this essay. Writing this essay 
gave me a really lovely feeling. I learned that dedication is important if you want to do well on an activity. Later on I wish to be dedicated to improving my writing. Thank you for being dedicated to reading my essay.

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