Monday, March 18, 2013

Being a Whistleblower is Always a Good Thing!

by Joelys, 6th grade student

Hi, my name is Joelys. I am a strong person who has a positive mind, is honest, brave, and most importantly, I am a person who is willing to risk anything to help someone. I am really quiet on the outside, but if you look deep into my eyes you will realize that I have a lot more to say. I am a person who likes to write out my problems on paper so that I can very detailed and explain myself in a way that you will understand. Once I'm in a quiet place or any place I have paper, I will burst and write so much! This is who I am. So here is my story, my true experience.
I still remember the day it happened like it was yesterday. On December 2nd,2011 I was on Facebook like a normal girl would be. I was on Facebook and my mom got a call from my aunt saying that my cousin Danielle never came home. (Danielle was 13 years old when this happened.) Her mom called my mom saying that she never came home and since my cousin has a Facebook, they wanted me to see if she was online. Luckily she was. Her mom called the police and they went to her house. Her mom called the police because she was missing and they didn't have any contact with her because none of them had a Facebook except for me.
The police came to her hosue. Her mom told me that she was going to put a policeman on the phone so that I can speak with him. He then asked me handful of questions. He said, "Is Danielle online?" I said "Yes, she is online." He asked me to ask her where she was. I did what I was told to do. Danielle then said, "I'm at a friend's house. Why?" I then said,"Just wondering," so that she wouldn't suspect anything. She said "Oh, alright." I then asked her "Where? In the Bronx?" She said "Yup."
All of the questions I was asking her were the questions the policeman was asking me to ask her. At one point she read my message, but didn't answer it. But I remember that she told me she had a boyfriend. I told the policeman that she had a boyfriend and I figured that she was with him since she is always with him. Her boyfriend is way older than her. He was 17 years old at the time. The policeman told me to ask her. I did, and she was with her boyfriend, but she didnt tell me where. I asked her again, "Are you in the Bronx?" She said, "Why do you want to know?" I said "Because I'm worried about you!" Your mom said that you haven't been home!" But then she got offline.
I told the policeman that and he said he will track her and her boyfriend down. I was still on the phone with the policeman. After about 20 minutes of giving him all of the information he needed, they found her. I felt like I betrayed her because everything I told him were the things she told me to keep a secret. But she never ran away from home; she just never came home. She was missing for a long time. But then I realized it was for her best, so I didn't think about it too much.
She went online 40 minutes later. I told the police that and he said to tell her that the police are on their way to where she and her boyfriend are. She got so scared and said "WHAT? WHY?" I said, "Because you never came home and it's already past midnight!" She said "OK, I'm going home right now, but let me tell you this, how dare you betray me! You promised me you were never going to tell anyone that I had a boyfriend and that I was always with him 24/7. Don't ever speak to me again! I hate you!" Those were the last words she said to me. I told the police that and he told me not to worry about it, that because of me, I helped her. I felt like a saviour. But I guess she didn't feel the same way.
When I arrived at her house, everybody thanked and hugged me but she just sat there rolling her eyes at me. The police were still there and they thanked me very much. Then we all sat down, but not when she was around, and they each told me that I should never do what she did because one day I might end up regretting it just like she did. They said that, "Right now she is in big trouble and you, the person who helped us find her, would hate it if you did the same like her. So please try not to do that." Those were the last words they told me. Then I left. I went to bed and just thought to myself, Did this just happen? Was this real? Did I just have a huge discussion with a police officer? The answer to those questions were yes, yes, and yes.
To overcome this difficult situation, the TI pillar I used was integrity. Integrity is when you are honest with a person and also with yourself. I used integrity because I had to tell a lot of secrets in order to help my devious cousin. In the end, everything turned out to be great. Danielle apologized to me and told me that she was wrong in telling me that and that she was very sorry. I learned that being a little bit of a whistle- blower is not such a bad thing. It helped  me overcome the difficult situation I was in. I did the right thing because if I never told the police officer all those things, they would have never found her and her mom would never have known that she was lying to her all along when she said she was going to a friend's house. This story really happened to me and it will never leave my mind. I still remember it like it was yesterday.
I really want to go to this conference because I believe it will open doors for me. I also will have a better chance at getting into the college of my dreams, Harvard. All of this will help me because it would show that I attended important meetings, and that I was chosen for a good reason. I would be an awesome person to represent Tech International Charter School because I always set a great example at my school. I am an honest person and I am not afraid to say the things that we are good at and the things that we are not so good at in our school. I will tell other students and teachers lots of information about our school such as types of technology we use, our unique lunch program, how many students we have, what the highest ANET test scores are, and much more. I really hope I get picked.

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