When I started a new school I was excited and nervous at the same time! I didn’t expect things like lockers or homerooms. But most of all, I didn’t expect to meet my first bully. When I think of bullies I thought it was physical contact like punching, or getting hurt. But it’s not; sometimes its just words. Some people say, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me”. But that is not true, because words can hurt. Not only have I been a witness to bullying, I‘ve been a victim as well .To the point of tears.
have been times when I have experienced others getting bullied, and I didn’t
know what to do. Should I say something? Sometimes I’ve done nothing. But sometimes
I’m compelled to get involved and the next thing I know, it’s my situation and
others around me would laugh and cheer for the bully. Some would go get a teacher
or stand up to the bully and say “ Hey not cool” or “ Stop it what are you
trying to accomplish?”
I believe that most bullies have
been bullied, have issues at home, or aren’t very social people at all. So they
want to take their aggression out on someone that they think is weak or a
target. So they want put on a show in front of everyone to show how tough they
are and make everyone fear them; they usually have a small following. This
cycle usually goes on and on until someone stops them or somebody gets hurt. Sometimes,
the victim today can become the bully tomorrow.
Earlier this year I was
picked on because of my hair color. I decided to put streaks in my hair. I
thought I looked cool. However, this person didn’t; I was called a devil
worshiper because the color of my streaks were fire red. Peer-pressure is a
very tricky and sticky issue, especially in middle school. As I was being
picked on, I felt like the odd girl, an outcast. As this continued I feared
this person more and more. I felt like nobody liked me and I felt a great deal
of anxiety at school. A kid in my class told me that there would be a posting
of something awful about me on Facebook, that would probably make me feel
worthless and that would keep me up worrying all night.
I knew I had to tell someone
about what happened and then I remembered the “Stop Bullying, Speak up” commercial.
The commercial said you should help stop bullying or you should tell an adult.
So I went to the school principal and she addressed the situation immediately.
Another bad thing about
bullying is that it is a nation wide problem. I worry about this because kids
all over the United States and even the whole world have to go through this and
I wonder why: “Is it because of what they look like, sexual orientation, speak
a different language? Or is it something deeper? Also bullies want
attention, I say DON’T GIVE IT TO THEM!
If you find yourself in a
bullying situation here are some useful tips, try to stay calm and try to walk away.
But NEVER take your eyes off this person! Don’t be afraid to tell someone like
a teacher or an adult and, keep your distance. Don’t try to get revenge; it could escalate. Try not to pat attention to
the hurtful words. Find a happy place. Try and stay the same, don’t change
yourself to please them. My great-grandmother once told me these wise
words she said “Tough times don’t last; tough
people do.”
In TI resilience is a characteristic all students should
have ,victim or not we all need to stop this hurtful hatred against each other.
Also all students need to show a lot of empathy toward each other. So lets all
stop bullying for the safety of our school, families, and most important for
the safety of us, because we all need to be safe.
Dealing with a bully made me resilient by adapting
to other people being bullied and others getting bullied. So will you speak up
when you see bullying again? Will you encourage friends or others not to bully?
Knowing that this might happen in the future, I now know how to act when the
problem presents itself. Act like you know. Now I am more aware of potential
jerks. Now I know how to face bullies, not run away from them, bullies make
things harder ,but not impossible. If you just believe in yourself and have
confidence, you will be okay. So
stay strong, stay true, and trust yourself always!
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